" Where Health and Wellness Begin"
Appetite Control
Curbing Your Appetite
If the "just-say-no" technique just doesn't work, try these tips to help appease an overactive appetite.
Eat breakfast--Eating regular meals and snacks prevents the "famine-then-feast syndrome." Make breakfast a high-fiber cereal, whole-grain bread or fresh fruit, and you're more likely to eat less at lunch.
Eat when you're hungry--By responding to physical signals to eat, you may be less apt to eat in response to stress or boredom.
Eat slowly--Savoring each flavor and texture can boost satisfaction. It also takes about 20 minutes for your brain to receive the signal you're full.
Ride out the urge--Cravings generally pass within minutes--maybe even seconds. Busy yourself with an activity unrelated to food until the desire to eat passes. For a good distraction, exercise.
Start small--If you always finish what's in front of you, start with half the amount of food you usually eat. You may find a smaller serving just as satisfying. To make less food seem like more, serve your main course on a salad or dessert plate. Remember, the last bite doesn't taste any better than the first.
Splurge now and then--If you're really committed to eating less, an occasional lapse is OK. It has little impact on a lifetime plan for controlling your appetite.
Need more help? Then check out our page on appetite management.
LifePak Trim by Pharmanex
LifePak Trim is an optimal blend of dietary ingredients and includes Polmerplex (also found in FibreNet). Modifications have been made to LifePak Trim due to LifePak formula changes. LifePak now features more properly balanced levels of vitamin A, and an all-natural form of beta-carotene. A more effective level of iron for the general population has been included, and levels of 10 nutrients including folate (folic acid), vitamin B-12, pantothenic acid, lycopene, and lutein have been increased. Papain and bromelain are new ingredients added to the LifePak formula. (Pharmanex is constantly updating their products based on science and research.)
> Includes key benefits of LifePak, FibreNet, Metabotrim and Botaname in one program
> Chromium works with insulin in the metabolism of glucose for energy production
> Garcinia Cambogia provides hydroxy citric acid (HCA)
> PolmerPlex, the key ingredient found in FibreNet, is a unique dietary fiber derived from Shellfish
> Vitamins and minerals serve various functions that benefit the body
> Antioxidants help the body neutralize free radicals
> Phytonutrients are natural chemical extracts from plant sources that perform antioxidant functions and have other nutritional benefits
> Suggested dose is one LifePak and one TrimPak, twice a day. Retail price about 3.86 per day.
To order LifePak Trim, call (800) 487-1000 or order on-line at Pharmanex.
When ordering, please list Healthstop as your referring sponsor.
Retail costs listed on this page are for comparison purposes only. Discounted prices available on most products.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
The information presented on these pages is based on scientifically based research and current medical knowledge. Many of the supplements mentioned on these pages have been used to treat diseases for hundreds or thousands of years. The medical community is just beginning to research natural treatments. As new information develops, the information on these pages will be updated. Whenever possible, several sources for each supplement will be listed. The manufacturers mentioned within, have presented evidence that they have independent studies demonstrating standardization of potency, purity, and activity for that product. Some of the products presented are processed by Pharmanex.
The vitamins and supplements produced by Twin Labs can be purchased through local health food stores or on-line through VitaCost or WalMart.
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