" Where Health and Wellness Begin"
Appetite Management
About one-third of the U.S. population is overweight. Because excess body weight is implicated in many different diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, several cancers, and gallstones, it seems prudent to maintain a healthy body weight. Unfortunately, losing weight7and keeping it off7is very difficult for most people.
Dietary changes that may be helpful:
Societies that eat very little fat have virtually no obesity. Reducing fat in the diet is an important component of weight loss efforts. Foods with a high proportion of calories from fat, which should be eliminated or limited in the diet, include red meat, poultry skins and dark meat, fried food, butter, margarine, cheese, milk (except skim milk), junk food, and most processed food. Vegetable oils should also be restricted. So should nuts, seeds, and avocados (although these foods are healthy for people who have no weight problem). Instead, the diet should be based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and non-fat dairy (and low-fat fish for non-vegetarians).
Eating more fiber can be an important component to weight maintenance. Fiber fills people up, so they eat less; some studies find that soluble fibers work best. While soluble fiber can be found in beans and fruit, it is also available as a supplement. FiberNet, products like Benefiber, and psyllium contain soluble fiber and have been reported to help weight loss efforts in some studies. Some researchers add 10 or more grams per day to the diet.
Watch out for yo-yo dieting:
People who go on and off diets frequently complain that the number of calories that result in weight gain gets less and less with each weight fluctuation. There is now clear evidence that the body gets stingier in its use of calories after each diet. This means it becomes easier to gain weight and harder to lose it the next time. Therefore, a person shouldn't make changes until they are ready to stick with them. Otherwise, they're better off not dieting in the first place.
Lifestyle changes that may be helpful:
Although exercise alone may not result in significant weight loss, when combined with dietary approaches, it usually helps. It remains unclear whether exercise merely increases the burning of calories or whether the exerciser continues to burn more calories after the exercise is completed.
Nutritional supplements that may be helpful:
When people diet, their caloric intake drops sharply. When this happens, it becomes increasingly difficult to eat the recommended amounts of many vitamins and minerals. Therefore, proponents of most weight-loss programs advocate taking a multiple vitamin/mineral supplement. For more information, see the vitamins page.
The mineral chromium plays an essential role in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats as well as in the production of insulin. Chromium, in a form called chromium picolinate, has been studied for its potential role in altering body composition. Although preliminary research in animals and humans suggested that chromium picolinate increases fat loss and lean muscle tissue gain, follow-up research in people has not confirmed chromium picolinate to have a significant effect in altering body composition.
Hydroxycitric acid (HCA), extracted from the fruit rind of the Garcinia cambogia fruit grown in Southeast Asia, has a similar chemical composition as citric acid (the primary acid in oranges and other citrus fruits). Preliminary research, based on laboratory experiments and animal research, suggests that HCA may be a useful weight loss aid. HCA has been demonstrated in the laboratory (but not yet in clinical trials with people) to reduce the conversion of carbohydrates into stored fat by inhibiting certain enzyme processes. Animal research indicates that HCA suppresses appetite and induces weight loss. One case report found that eating 1 gram of the fruit containing HCA before each meal resulted in the loss of 1 pound per day. However, much more research in human populations is needed to determine the effectiveness of HCA as a weight loss aid.
An altered form of the sugar molecule,pyruvate might aid weight loss efforts. A clinical trial found that pyruvate supplements, compared to placebo, enhance weight loss and also result in a greater reduction of body fat in overweight adults consuming a low-fat diet. Animal studies suggest that pyruvate leads to weight loss by increasing the resting metabolic rate. There have not been any good studies in humans demonstrating this effect. All the literature, to this point, has been anecdotal.
Glucosol helps maintain blood sugar already within normal limits, which helps manage your cravings for carbohydrates. Crave Ease is a proprietary blend of ingredients, including Glucosol.
Are there any side effects or interactions?
Supplemental intake (typically 50-300 mcg per day) of chromium has not been linked consistently with any toxicity in humans. One study suggested that chromium could cause mutagenic damage, based on very high doses of chromium in ovarian cells of hamsters. This risk, however, has not been demonstrated in humans. The potential side effects of HCA are not known; more research is needed in this area. High intakes of pyruvate can trigger gastrointestinal upset, such as gas, bloating, and diarrhea.
Herbs that may be helpful:
The herb guaranį contains guaranine (which is nearly identical to caffeine) and the closely related alkaloids theobromine and theophylline; these compounds may curb appetite and increase weight loss. Caffeine's effects (and hence those of guaranine) are well known and include stimulating the central nervous system, increasing metabolic rate, and producing a mild diuretic effect. Many doctors of natural medicine do not advocate using caffeine or caffeine-life substances to reduce weight.
Ephedra, commonly known as ma huang, is a diuretic and central nervous system stimulant. Studies show that ephedra, particularly when combined with caffeine, promotes weight loss. However, many nutritionally oriented doctors discourage the use of ephedra as a weight loss aid because of the many side effects that can occur with its use, especially since many of the side effects are intensified when ephedra is combined with caffeine.
Cordyceps sinensis is a herbal remedy that many are using as a non-stimulant replacement for caffeine and ephedra. For more information, see the cordyceps sinensis page.
Are there any side effects or interactions?
As with any caffeinated product, guaranį may cause insomnia, trembling, anxiety, palpitations, urinary frequency, and hyperactivity. Guaranį should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation. Long-term use may cause decreased fertility, cardiovascular disease, and several forms of cancer according to epidemiological studies of caffeine use.
Ephedra has a history of safe use for most healthy people at the recommended amount (maximum 25 mg per day). However, abuse of the drug--especially for weight loss--can lead to amphetamine-like side effects including elevated blood pressure, muscle disturbances, insomnia, dry mouth, heart palpitations, nervousness, and even death due to heart failure. Anyone with high blood pressure, heart conditions, diabetes, glaucoma, and thyroid disease and those taking MAO-inhibiting antidepressants should consult with a physician before using any type of product with ephedra. Ephedra-based products should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation and used with caution in children under the age of six years. We do not recommend the use of stimulants for weight loss.
For additional suggestions, see the vitamins for dieters page.
For more research backed information on dietary aids, see the diet fads, scams, and miracles page.
I'm Still Hungry
The art of feeling full
Serotonin is the chemical in the brain responsible for the feeling of fullness. Increase your serotonin and you feel fuller sooner, and eat less. This is a well documented and researched fact. However, using herbs or medications to raise your serotonin level, as a method to achieve satiety, has not been adequately researched. Therefore, I am stretching my criteria here a bit and presenting information that has been published based on observational and anecdotal studies.
There are several published observational studies on serotonin that have reported good results. Personally, I have had several patients (including myself) try herbals to increase serotonin with good results. The primary herbal source used has been St. John's Wort. St. John's Wort has been studied and documented to increase serotonin levels. If you wish to try this, I would recommend one of the following two sources of St. John's Wort (There are many manufacturers of St. John's Wort products, but many have since been found NOT to contain any of the active parts of the St. John's Wort plants. These are the only two products that I have found definitive evidence of their standardization and quality):
Alterra is produced by one of the leading drug manufacturers, Upsher-Smith. It is an extended release product and only needs to be taken twice a day. Retail price about 0.73 per day. Alterra is available through your pharmacist without a prescription, or can be ordered on-line through VitaCost or WalMart.
Bio St. John's is a combination product from Pharmanex. Bio St. John's is a standardized combination of St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) and CordyMax Cs-4, the proprietary strain of the Chinese traditional remedy Dong Chong Xia Cao (Cordyceps sinensis). Bio St. John's combines the health promoting features of each compound to promote positive mood and reduce fatigue. Bio St. John's is my personal favorite and the one that I use. I have found it to be very effective. Bio St. John's is available exclusively through Pharmanex. Retail price about 0.93 per day.
For more information on the Bio St. John's or for ordering, call (800) 487-1000 or order on-line at Pharmanex.
When ordering, please list Healthstop as your referring sponsor.
Retail costs listed on this page are for comparison purposes only. Discounted prices available on most products.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
The information presented on these pages is based on scientifically based research and current medical knowledge. Many of the supplements mentioned on these pages have been used to treat diseases for hundreds or thousands of years. The medical community is just beginning to research natural treatments. As new information develops, the information on these pages will be updated. Whenever possible, several sources for each supplement will be listed. The manufacturers mentioned within, have presented evidence that they have independent studies demonstrating standardization of potency, purity, and activity for that product. Some of the products presented are processed by Pharmanex.
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