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Impotence is the inability of a man to achieve an erection sufficient to achieve sexual intercourse. Like any symptom impotence is, figuratively speaking, the tip of an iceberg. Western culture is now addicted the idea of a simple, quick fix. Have a headache? Don’’t bother to find out why, just take some Phenoquazo-Fix. And now we have Viagra which, within a few weeks of its introduction had killed several dozen men. The FDA still considers it a "safe" drug and it remains on the market.
This discussion should begin with the recognition that in our present culture a love relationship with less than semi-weekly sex is thought of as somehow abnormal. People who buy this paradigm are unaccepting of themselves and tend to invalidate themselves and/or their partners unless it involves frantic sex. One way to combat this unconscious assumption is to listen up to this: When you’’re hot, you’’re hot. When you’’re not, you’’re not.
It is important to remember that from nature’’s point of view the purpose of sex is reproduction. We are not designed to be hot every minute of every day, or even every week of every month. Despite all this, many people experience sexual dysfunction despite having a mature attitude about the subject. In many people this involves the usual effects of aging and is best dealt with by doctors who practice anti-aging medicine. While psychological factors may play a role, if the hormones are not present at sufficient levels, sexual function will not return with the best of psychotherapy. Nevertheless, psychological complexes may have to be cleared to allow normal biology to function without excess censorship from the cerebral cortex.
Male impotence, the inability to have penile erections sufficient for intercourse, is much more likely to have a psychological cause than a physical one. There is a very simple way to distinguish psychological impotence from physical impotence: the postage-stamp test. Glue a strip of postage stamps around the shaft of the penis before you go to bed. If the strip is intact in the morning, you have not had any erections during sleep, meaning something is wrong with the mechanics of the system. See a urologist for further diagnostic work. Drugs are a common cause of this sort of impotence, especially tobacco (which interferes with blood circulation to the genitals), cocaine and other stimulants, alcohol and other depressants, and antihypertensive and psychiatric medication.
If, as is more likely, the ring of stamps is broken, nothing is wrong with your penis. Instead the problem has to do with interaction of your mind and penis. This calls for counseling or therapy with a psychotherapist or sex therapist.
Men spend lots of money on products that claim to boost male potency, few of which actually work. The only drug currently listed in the Physicians' Desk Reference as a sexual booster is yohimbine, derived from the bark of an African tree (Pausinystalia yohimbe) and long rumored to be an aphrodisiac. Yohimbine is a stimulant that sometimes appears as a street drug. Users report distinctive and pleasurable tingling sensations along the spine and in the genitals. Manufacturers say it increases erections in men. Currently it is a prescription drug, available under the brand names Yocon, Yohimex, and Aphrodyne. Yohimbe bark and extracts are sometimes offered for sale in health-food stores.
Yohimbine is relatively safe, with minor side effects in recommended dosage, but little scientific research exists to back up the claims made for it. The drug does increase sexual arousal and performance in male rats. Whether it acts the same in male humans is unclear. It does not appear to increase human sexual desire but may boost erectile and ejaculatory ability, which would make it worth trying in cases of physical impotence. (A doctor must prescribe it.)
Of all the categories of products recommended to increase male potency, hormones have the strongest biological effects. Both male and female sex hormones are manufactured in the adrenal glands of every body, both male and female, as well as in the ovaries and testes. The body makes them by complicated reactions from cholesterol. The "sterol" part of that word refers to a distinctive molecular structure that occurs in many hormones and drugs steroids.
Male sex hormones are also called anabolic steroids because they stimulate anabolism, the building-up phase of metabolism. Under their influence protein synthesis increases in bone, muscle, and skin, leading to increased bone density, muscle mass, and skin tone, all desirable effects. These hormones are also androgens; that is, they stimulate the development of male sexual characteristics: facial and body hair, male distribution of fat and muscle, deep voice, and so on. If not enough androgens are circulating in the system, men lose libido, erections, and, eventually, some of their sex characteristics as well.
Testosterone is our principal androgen. Long recognized as regulating sexual function in men, it now appears to have widespread behavioral effects in both sexes. Recent research makes testosterone look very attractive as a sexual booster, but oddly enough, women may benefit from it more than men. Getting the dose right is critical, as is selecting the right way of introducing it into the system.
Unless men are deficient in testosterone, taking extra is not going to do much. It can be a miracle cure for men who have suffered injuries to their testes or who were born with insufficient testosterone or who have little free testosterone in their blood as the result of aging. Even in these cases the manner of giving it is very important, since the body has a daily cyclic rhythm of testosterone production that is not matched by taking it in pill or injectable form.
A few years ago a group in England tried out a testosterone cream to be rubbed on the skin of the abdomen. But the female sex partners of men using the treatment started growing beards, ending that line of research. Today the most promising method also administers this hormone through the skin but in a much more sophisticated manner. A testosterone patch is about to come on the market. It is applied to the scrotum and delivers the hormone in amounts and rhythms that closely mimic the natural state. You have to keep your scrotum shaved and apply a new patch every day. This product is intended as a treatment for sexual dysfunction with a physical basis, not for normal men who want to have more and bigger erections. Potential users include elderly men whose bones have become weak (from osteoporosis) as a result of low levels of free testosterone.
No doubt many nondysfunctional men will continue to experiment with testosterone preparations, but there is really no evidence of any beneficial effect on sexual desire or performance. Besides, unusually high levels of androgens may hurt men physically or emotionally, causing a higher risk of heart attacks, for example, or increased aggressiveness. There have been some studies that show men with normal testosterone levels, taking additional testosterone, actually increased the number of sexual problems reported.
The function of testosterone in women is not known. Women produce about one tenth the amount men do but it appears that giving women additional small amounts can dramatically increase libido. For women who lack sexual interest and desire, the treatment can be life-changing. Although good scientific studies support these observations, most women and most physicians remain unaware of the beneficial effect of testosterone on female sexuality.
The two hormones which have the most to do with libido are human growth hormone (HGH) and testosterone. Testosterone therapy in the sexual realm has more to do with the function of erectile tissue and HGH has more to do with the inner flame of desire. For hormone therapy to work to its potential requires an overall condition of health. With either hormone, I would recommend seeing your doctor to have your levels measured. This is particularly important if you have decided to use one of the over-the-counter, “natural” hormone boosters. Obtaining a measurement before and after their use will tell you if they actually had any effect at all on your hormone levels.
In older people the condition of the vascular system often plays an important part in sexual dysfunction. Blood supply to the penis and vagina must be intact for optimal functioning. The best way to achieve this end is through chelation therapy. Circulation can also be helped through chiropractic and there are herbal medicines which can be of great benefit.
Herbal medications, like Gingko biloba and Cordyceps sinensis, can be useful in improving blood flow. This is especially improtant if you are taking a medication taht may effect the circulation in the area, such as antidepressants and antihypertensivies.
Venix is an all-natural dietary supplement uniquely formulated by Pharmanex to provide you with the right combination of complementary ingredients that help to improve your intimate moments. Venix consist of Triacin, a proprietary blend of Cordyceps sinensis, Ginkgo biloba extract, and L-Arginine. This potent blend helps to promote healthy sexual well being.*
Competitive Advantage
In a recently completed clinical study involving subjects taking antidepressant medications, Venix significantly improved sexual well-being in men experiencing diminished sexual function.* These men improved in four categories of evaluation by 67-78 0.000000rom the start of the twelve-week study compared to placebo (dummy pill), which showed only 0-25 1598053468mprovement.
How Venix Works
Venix helps promote sexual well-being in three important ways:
Supports healthy blood circulation*
Promotes vitality and stamina*
Assists healthy hormonal balance*
Unsatisfactory sexual function is commonly caused by diminished arterial blood flow. A lack of healthy circulation can cause impairment in normal sexual function. Hormone levels, mood and emotional well-being also affect sexual well being. The constituents found in Triacin have been shown to influence circulation, normal hormonal balance, and promote vitality and stamina.* Allow 4 to 6 weeks for product to produce desirable results.
Recommended Usage
As a dietary supplement for adults who want to maintain sexual well-being.* Take two (2) capsules twice daily with food. Store in a cool dry place. Venix can be obtained through Pharmanex.
Of the many sexual tonics on the market, ginseng has the longest history and greatest reputation. Much prized in the Far East as the ultimate sexual restorative for men, ginseng was long ignored by medical researchers in the West. Once they began to study its chemistry and pharmacology, they found that it does indeed have many biological effects.
Two species of ginseng are prominent in commerce: Oriental ginseng (Panax ginseng) and American ginseng (Panax quinquefolium). Both are full of compounds (ginsenosides) that work on the pituitary-adrenal axis, increasing resistance to stress and affecting metabolism, skin and muscle tone, and hormonal balance. Oriental ginseng is more of a stimulant and can raise blood pressure in some people. If you have high blood pressure, use it with caution if at all, or use only the American species.
The quality of ginseng on the market varies enormously, with better, older roots selling for very high prices. If you want to experiment with this famous tonic plant, you must shop around for high-quality material and be prepared to pay for it. Also you must take ginseng regularly over a period of months to notice its effects. You can buy whole dried roots and boil them into teas or use more convenient extracts in the form of liquids and capsules. Follow dosage recommendations on the products.
Chinese men advise against wasting ginseng in your youth. Save it for old age, they say, then see what it can do for you.
The causes of impotence and frigidity are so varied and the interaction so complex, you are best advised to find a doctor who is experience in a broad range of treatments and is not married to any one approach. I advise you against the quick fix solutions such as Viagra. If you spend the time and effort necessary to find the real cause of sexual dysfunction and find a solution from that level, you will necessarily improve your overall health and well being. And you can have a great sex life.
Retail costs listed on this page are for comparison purposes only. Discounted prices available on most products.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
The information presented on these pages is based on scientifically based research and current medical knowledge. Many of the supplements mentioned on these pages have been used to treat diseases for hundreds or thousands of years. The medical community is just beginning to research natural treatments. As new information develops, the information on these pages will be updated. Whenever possible, several sources for each supplement will be listed. The manufacturers mentioned within, have presented evidence that they have independent studies demonstrating standardization of potency, purity, and activity for that product. Some of the products presented are processed by Pharmanex.
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